Natalie and Dillon

September, 2023

Wedding in Lemont, IL

With fall just sneaking in after the summer heat, this wedding in early September was cool and cloudy, perfect for photos. It was hard to suppress my emotions during the whole day. There were so many beautiful moments - never have I ever almost cried so many times. The first look between the bride and her father nearly brought tears to my eyes; the handing over from the father to the groom at the end of the aisle always pulls my heartstrings; the love that these two share for each other was evident during their photo session, leaving me suddenly overwhelmed with emotion; and that was the most incredible, moving best man speech I have ever heard - the entire room was dabbing at their eyes, and a standing ovation ensued.

I was so blessed to get to capture this couple's wedding day and all the emotions that it brought with it. That's part of why I love photographing weddings so much - there are always moments of fleeting emotion that I look for and hopefully snap a shot of before it passes away.